Wednesday, 13 November 2019

House coat judgement OR I've been talking to a jury of no ones again...

House coat court is now in session. Honorable Judge know it all residing.
As this is my housecoat, and I am wearing it - also I feel powerless in the wake of all the arguments and banter going on in the world at every given minute of every given day - I shall now make my final remarks: Someone asked me recently how I felt about ... I can't even remember, I was intoxicated at the time...
But I replied with my best impression of a sage like gunslinger:
"They got atoms for guts, don't they? Why should I be so angry at anyone with atoms for guts? We're all gonna be a tree later anyway, so why hate 'em now?"
Otherwise we might as well go back to being one body, and I don't remember the early days of pre-cellular mitosis, but I am sure it was quite crowded. And I've grown fond of my "me" time. And everyone elses "me" time.
I saw someone on the street the other day, and as they walked passed they were smiling. Not at anything.
Just smiling.
I have no idea why.
It could have just been that the sun was still up despite all the snow.
It could have been put on. Smiling for the sake of smiling.
It could have been anything.
Not knowing is better than knowing, in this case. That subtle reminder that there is an infinite clockwork of joy and sorrow and boredom going on outside of my control or purview.
Every issue is simpler than we make it, and more complex than we allow it to be.
So be kind where you can.
You all got atoms for guts.
Even in wish fulfillment court, this stuff is unsatisfying as F#@%.
Court adjourned!

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