I have had/ do have/ used to have/ still have/ will probably always have a whopping crush on you.
You may not know it, or you may and not want to give it away, either way if you think it could be you: it's definitely you.
You the dancer. The singer. The musician. The writer and the reader.
The poet and the researcher.
You work with you hands/ on your feet/ at a desk/ behind a wheel.
You sew, you stitch, you paint, you sketch and you never show it off, but you should cause it's really good!
Or you do show it off, because it is really good!
Or it's just okay and you do it just for fun and show it to no one, because everyone is way too public about their personal projects...
I crushed on you when you beat me at cards, and demanded a foot rub as payment.
Or when we danced together/apart/you danced and I watched/I danced and you watched.
I crushed on you when you were in front of a crowd of people making grotesque faces and funny voices - whatever it took to make em howl. I shouted "what?!" between laughs - because my brain just genuinely couldn't comprehend what your were doing.
I crushed on you when you asked me to sing a duet after having only heard me once - I played it off like it wasn't the coolest thing in the world to be asked; but it very much was.
You dressed up for the occasion/You dressed down/You showed up in a
costume - the mustaches we shared were dapper and we were dapper while
wearing them.
Or you skipped out entirely, because you weren't up to it that night.
If you don't think you have been this for anyone at any time, think again.
This isn't regarding one person, it's regarding many.
Because I have a problem.
I confuse falling with flying.
I have flown for so many sudden glances and come hither looks and
fun facts about culture/pop culture/ science/ religion/ literature/
furniture/ food/ drink/cartoons/ comics/ comic books/ and more all
ending with my face planting itself on the rock face below.
Despite years and heartache, I willingly fall.
for no other reason than to feel like flying. If only for that time
between the free and the ...
If dreams are the seeds of
lives not yet lived, I have planted forests of marriages and
affairs to anyone that has made me mutter the words "what if"
This is not me complaining.
I just thought you should know.
Because we've known each other so long/ we only just met/ we barely know each other at all.
But I will always have/still have/used to have such a crush on you.
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