Thursday, 28 December 2017

Day 57

Let our beginnings be those of the future collaborators to come.
Let us go as far as we can, in order to leave a way clear for those that follow after.
Let my final steps open a new frontier for the betters that follow behind me.
We carried the torch this far, let it light them the rest of their way.
How many other ways can I shirk personal responsibility with some grandiose declaration of my intent not to make any contribution, but to ease the way for someone else to do so...?
I guess it's always been easier to imagine myself staring something for someone else to finish.
Those who do see these things through ... are they able to see the end result? Or is it all an act of faith.
Is every step made hoping solid ground waits to greet them?
Or have I simply stepped in something existential again?
What is the story here?
Perhaps it is an expedition, whereby an entire crew is bred and tasked with the sole purpose of dying as far away from the camp as possible. The first attack against that unknown. The great and powerful what if.I've followed this thread as far as I can. The eye rolls are causing dizzyness and the rhetorical questions are causing nausea.

I used to compose a story while walking my fields. I say they were mine, but they weren't. But they were a great place to walk the dog.
I was big into fantasy novels at the time. While I walked, my imagination flew. We were transported to a distant land where magic was real and internet was unheard of.
It started as a story of a young man leaving home; following in the footsteps of a hero he never met. They both were raised by an insular people. A community who shied away from the rest of the world, keeping their teachings and practices a secret. Living off the land, rather than rely on local cities or government.
Spurred by curiosity, enticed by the legends of his idol, our hero struck out into a world that was unknown to him. He didn't really have a goal or destination in mind, so he simply sought out the places his hero had been.
Oh the places he'd go. It took our hero through many exotic locations, with many trials along the way.
And since this is a fantasy adventure, he forms a band of travel companions along the way. As well as a creature companion. A hell-hound, if memory serves me.
He would eventually find himself in the middle of an ever growing war, because let's face it there's always a war brewing in these mythical lands.
The side most interested in toppling the status quo, has among their ranks a particularly fearsome general.
Our hero and this armored man would finally meet, when and where it would be revealed to be our heroe's hero.
The man of legend he had looked up to so long and in whose steps he had been following this entire time!
Why was he doing this? Why had he traded adventure for conquest?
The one time role model, now villain, offered only his own realization that he saw himself as a weapon.
His travels had shaped, sharpened and strengthened him into a formidable tool.
But one without vision. Without purpose.
So he lent himself to one who has a vision. Giving the armored man purpose.

I essentially imagined a fantasy series about disillusioned college graduates ... still better than the hobbit films.

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