Monday, 25 December 2017

Day 54

Everything that there is, is all we've ever had. We just didn't recognize it when it wasn't what it was.
When it was, what it was, it wasn't what it is. But we forget that it isn't what was, only what it is.
I'm starting to confuse myself and it is getting late but basically: if you break everything down, nothing is ever created. Everything is simply a combination and re-purposing of what came before, into what it now is.
... and I wish that was more revolutionary a thought than it is, but it isn't. It's pretty straightforward and obvious, but let me try to explain why this should be a comfort.
We're explorers. Discoverers. Every action we take is a discovery. We are not pressured to will matter into existence. We are not expected to invent new things and push them into the universe.
The universe is doing just fine. The universe has everything it needs.
However, we each have the opportunity to play with those preexisting objects in space.
Our existence becomes an invitation to an intergalactic play date, and the sand in the sand box can be anything!
Some people play with food. Some with literal building blocks.
Some get to make sandcastles out of sounds and music.
Some people get to play with literal sand!
None of this is revolutionary and I will likely never feel good about this post, but let me at least find comfort in knowing that everything I need is already in the world.
The building blocks to whatever life I want are already acquirable. And there is no pressure for me to build castles out of the sand. I can just sit here and play until the mood strikes me.
We are free to just play in the sand.

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