Friday, 22 December 2017

Day 52

Possible dreams for tonight:
- I'm forced to eat a bunch of vegetables, but they turn into candy right before I eat them, fooling my nutritional tormentors.
- I'm the singer in a band, but everyone forgot their instruments, so I spend the entire set making the sounds of there instruments, hoping the audience won't notice.
- I am the avatar. Just- just that.
- I'm in line at the best amusement park in the galaxy, waiting to get on a Rollercoaster that's powered by screams. Then I turn around and someone asks if I was holding their place in line and I turn around and it's you and I WAKE MYSELF UP!
... I'm not an early riser. If i have a super power in this world it is my ability to sleep through anything. Including floods, earthquakes, a rocking car, a fire across the street and that teething infants cries on our delayed four hour flight ... but here we are. Because I don't want to talk to you.
Not dream you. Not imaginary you.
I don't wanna rehearse this scene,
I don't want to write your side of the conversation, and I certainly don't want my subconscious to use you to remind me I have forgotten something. (Lazy work subconscious! Like Three and a half men level lazy! Lazy!)
So I am making a list of dreams to have instead, in the hopes my brain will have enough fodder to not resort to cameos by a pretty girl I like!
Let's dream of scream powered Rollercoaster tonight...
- Or a marathon where the road is a rainbow...
- Or a freaking flying dream! Come on!

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