New game:
Follow the breadcrumbs.
Only, the breadcrumbs aren't breadcrumbs. They're memories.
Each one leads you to another, and then another.
Mark these memories down, like a route on a map. Use cod phrases, lest you be followed ...
Now, this is an ongoing game. You don't finish it all in one go.
Short games are too easy and you need an ongoing project anyway, while you're not writing that novel. So put it down, and then pick it back up again.
Now as you follow back the map of memories you've made out of breadcrumbs that aren't really breadcrumbs, you'll find that your beginning to remember new details each time.
You're not.
This is your imagination filling in the missing pieces.
Don't worry it happens a lot. Colours of fences. Times of the year. Whose memory you're actually accessing ...
You just needed to follow the bread crumbs until you reached a breach in the hull.
This is a tank and you're scratching the inner wall. You've nearly found a breach.
Just need feel around and ...
You see now why you can't do this all at once?
If you are abducted by shady faceless drones: you lose.
If you breach the hull and break free of all restraints: they lose.
How to win?
Winning isn't an option. You simply play...!
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