Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Day 28

New game:
Suddenly remember that you had magic powers.
Once upon a time.
But you made a decision, you see, to hide them. Not just from others, but also yourself.
You were once so powerful. So wise. So big, that the smaller things in this world were escaping you.
What is distance when you can be anywhere at once.
What is health, when sickness no longer troubles you.
What is love, when you have nothing to fear.
So you decided, on a day very much like this one, to bury your wizardly possessions.
You half moon spectacles. Your many colored robes with it's every changing shades. Your staff that would grow and shrink depending on your need of it. Your book, on the other hand, you did not bury; lest you stumble upon it early and give away the game.
Instead, you tore it up. Its many pieces were tossed to the many winds, and its magics would find their way into every part of this world. Worry not, you weren't littering.
Because this was a magic book, it would change its shape to suit its environment, again to hide itself, and so everywhere these pieces went they would become the shape of whatever suited the place they landed.
Some were flowers. Some clay. Some seeds. Some the colors on leaves. Some even street corners, complete with light posts and benches.
Now, here's where the game begins: look out for those little pieces of magic.
Seek them out in every new place. Listen for clues in the stories of others you talk to, because they will brig these pieces back to you.
Each time they tell of the best pastry they ever tastes, or a song they heard from a outdoor band; smile softly.
Know that they have brought you a piece of yourself. The magical, wise and wonderful self yo truly are.
And never forget, as you go on with your day today with its little obstacles and oddities: the games not over yet. Keep playing.

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