Monday, 27 November 2017

Day 27

New game:

Spend 23 hours of your day not doing the one thing you were supposed to do, and in the final hour: force yourself to do it.

The rules are pretty straightforward.

Because those are them.

Just rush through a task, which you had all day to compete, at the last possible moment.

I considered making a sub rule regarding time travel. But I didn't.

If time travel were involved, you'd just add another 24 hours to not doing the thing you're supposed to do. Because let's be honest: we wouldn't just suddenly not procrastinate anymore.

We would take it to the next level.

The "let's kill hitler" guy is still clicking on that next YouTube video of people falling down or dogs being weird. Or people dubbing over gunea pigs while they chew - these ones are among the most consistently entertaining.

If you had told me 15 years ago that there'd be an entire sector of the internet dedicated to essentially ripping off Americas funniest home videos, I would have mocked you.

Or been disturbed by your ability to glimpse into my future.

Or maybe you haven't gone back and told me yet because you are the only person with time travel capabilities and also a huge procrastinator.

... all of these options are valid.

If you complete your desired task without disturbing the fabric of space-time: you win.

You lose if you rip apart reality. Or if you just don't get it done, I guess.

... Time travel really raises the stakes.

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