Friday 29 June 2018

Day 209

If this is indeed a dream, and there is no evidence to suggest it isn't, I hope to one day find the dreamer.
That deep sleeper, who's eyes kept closed keeps this all going.
For if this is a dream, again no evidence to the contrary, then surely the dreamer would be in their own dream.
Because it is their dream.
I don't mean to awaken them, mind you.
Do not worry about that.
I am many things; self destructive is not one of them.
No. I simply wish to impart them with something. Something good.
Something significant. Something that, when they one day do awaken, and they will just as we all do; that some part of all this can come with them.
That the dream that I am, can serve as more than just a way to pass the night.
I don't know what that significant something might be, but that's alright.
Until I meet the dreamer, I shall continue to seek out significance in the dream.
If this is indeed a dream.

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