There aren't a lot of mothers at the center of popular storytelling.
I mean they're their. They're just rarely the main character.
Probably because it isn't a relatable story. Not a human story.
We want our heroes to begin as a little selfish, a little broken. Sure they're brave, but they got a real confidence issue, or whatever.
And in the end they triumph, by destroying the mind controlling moon antenna setup by the shadow swarms; thereby saving the human race - and all because our little aryan savior learned to believe in himself and overcome his dyslexia.
Roll credits. Post credit teaser. Planned sequel never happens.
What about a woman whose story starts with her voluntarily ripping herself in half, just to bring a life into this world.
Where do you go from there? The bible may open with God creating everything, but it passes the reigns of the story off to little flawed hairless apes pretty damn quick.
Imagine a Mom blowing up the mind controlling moon antenna; that's not as impressive a climax, simply because in addition to giving life, she also has to raise it up into a productive member of society without fearing for the kid's day to day 24/7, all while being a productive member them self and you think something as simple as an invading alien swarm is gonna get in the way!
That's called an inconvenient commute, jackass!
What I'm saying is, have more mothers as the leading protagonist of your action flick.
If for no other reason that to get a gritty TGIF reunion special, where all the sitcom families are held hostage, all except the mothers. The moms have to take down this shadowy group of alien terrorists, but just when things look bleak, who's that back from the grave - the dead Mom from Full house!!! Because nobody. Fucks. With the babies.
Now back to bed, y'all got school in the morning.
Breakfast will be ready at 7.
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