A: It's um it's actually a funny story.
B: Then tell me a story. I am dying for a good one.
A:Well, um ... huh, maybe funny isn't the word you'll use ... but um
B: But it is a story isn't it?
A: Well
B: You know what makes up a story don't you?
A: Haha yes, I ... I do know that much.
B: See most people will say a beginning, middle and end.
A: I'd agree with them-
B: Most people are eeasily enchanted morons, who've never given a thought to anything in their day to day life.
A: I ... oh.
B: Y'see a story is a story because it's about a person going from a place of comfort, to a place of discomfort and emerging from the encounter: changed. Either for better or worse. Now some Hollywood types will try to puff it up with 3 act, five act, 22 steps to success hee haw - but they're slickers and shysters as far as I'm concerned and I don't want nothing to do with them, no sir. No I'm talking about the biological instinct felt by every human mind since fire got gifted to us. I'm talking evolutionary inheritance. You follow?
A: ... I
B: Of course you don't follow, we already established you're a moron. No offense.
A: N-none take-
B: Now take the story of you coming in here to deliver me some bad news. If you're the hero of our story and I do use the term hero generally here, you don't actually have to possess any qualities that may be categorized as heroic.
A: Oh good...
B: Our hero is faced with the task of having to deliver bad news to a man of power - benevolent and understanding though he may be - and naturally fears for his well being. This hero is flawed to say the least. Timid. Not personable.
A: I-I um I
B: Seems to develop a stutter now and then - nothing to be ashamed of, mind, simply something to be aware of - and upon coming face to face with this man of power, he determines to soften the unpleasantness of his deliverance with some strange tap dancing routine that begins with: funny story.A: ...
B: Only it's not a story you've come to deliver, it's a message. A message from someone I don't like and you know I don't like, so let us skip the part where you tell me exactly what my heartless little piss-ant of a brother did this time and we determine whether the change you get from the end of this story is in fact: better or worse.
A: ...
B: ...
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