Sunday, 21 January 2018

Day 80

Old game, new twist:
"If I had a billion dollars, I would_____"
It's a familiar game and most have played it before, but play it again.
The people you'd help, the causes you'd support, the world you'd change, the business ventures you'd start, etc.
Now, this time you only have a million dollars.
"Just a million?" I can hear you say through eye rolls comparable to planetary rotations.
It's still a lot of money, but not so much you can lose track of what to do with it. You can't buy all your friends and relatives a private jet now, can you? And let's face it, the insurance would destroy you.
But still, the good you can do and the starts you could make towards that billion are a possibility.
What do you do with your million?
One hundred thousand?
One thousand?
Five hundred dollars?
By this point, the number doesn't seem so far fetched. You can even save towards it.
Now, I'm not any kind of financial alchemist, I do not know how you could make your five hundred dollars become a billion, but I do know a thing or two about dreams.
And dreams are always supposed to live in that unreachable hypothetical billion dollar sphere.
And I can tell you that at the one dollar mark, you can begin to sow the seeds for that dream.
You can work, today, towards the heart of those top shelf ideals. You just gotta reach.
You lose the game if you dedicate yourself to just making money.
You win by A) dreaming
and B) striving achieve dreams
If you don't have a dream yet, try helping other achieve theirs.
Better yet, help others achieve their dreams, regardless.

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