Saturday 8 September 2018

Day 263

There is no guarantee that you are not a dream.
That the world you embody is not simply the subconscious summons of a 30 year old author not yet ready to awake.
The only way to be sure, is when all this ends. You will either end, as dreams do, or awaken and forget all of this in time.
This scenario is not only beyond your knowing, it is beyond your control.
What is in your control, is the dream. This moment before waking.
So before Summer falls to Autumn, followed closely by Winter and spring, ask yourself this: will it be a good dream?

What if dreams occurred around us in the real world. Interacting with real people.
Just subconscious whatever s coming busting into the supermarket, you strike up a conversation and then: POOF! Looks like that IT person woke up from their power nap, back to work for them and you have to deal with the fact that you were making small talk with a subconscious projection.

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