Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Day 256

A man's debts catch up with him.
The beatings inflicted by his lenders will not be enough, this time.
And so he is used in experiment, to test whether humans, under duress can fly.
They conduct this by throwing him off a tall cliff to the rocky waters below.
The results are predictable for the most part, as the man plummets to an impending end.
In the brief moment before the liquid surface is broken by the falling mass, however, a miracle occurs.
No, he does not sprout wings.
But he does hover, the moment before impact, to come face to face with his own reflection.
This suspended moment is accompanied by an unfamiliar voice, offering a deal.
The terms: swap places with the man you see, and you will be spared the impact of the fall.
Accustomed to taking on deals without questioning the possible fallout, the debtor accepts.
He is now his reflections, and he is no longer falling towards the surface, but being pulled away from it, on the inverse side.
Even though he is surrounded by water, he does not fear drowning.
He fears very little.
He has dodged another debt, but where will this one lead?
How far will this one drag him down. Or up? It's hard to tell on this side of things.

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