Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Day 262

After just one night's stay, a man checks out of his modest motel room.
Upon returning the keys he compliments the front desk clerk on her accent.
She brushes he comment aside politely; not at all interested in a banal conversation about her life's path from an ocean side hamlet, to a road side motel that straddles the county line.
The man then asks if he should go there, as he is currently without a destination and a big body of water sounds appealing.
Humoring him, she answers that she's only seen the one ocean, but hears the other one might be better.
The man appears to think on this statement, before reaching into his pocket and flipping a coin. He catches it in the hand that flicked it. Upon revealing a heads side up result, the man seems to come to a conclusion.
He tells the desk clerk he'll let her know for sure the next time he see's her.
The man hops on a bicycle, and heads out. Apparently in search of an ocean.
The private eye who, will soon come to this motel in search of the wanderer, will assume all of this was a deliberate attempt to shake any would be pursuers.
This is untrue. As the wanderer has no clue so many people are seeking him.
He simply is a man in search of a destination.

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