Saturday, 31 March 2018

Day 137

I have tried appealing to your sense of charity.Your empathy. Your good will towards others.
This was foolishness on my part. Not because I think you lacking in such qualities - I do not think you a monster; I know you to be human.
As such, you are cautious. Suspicious. At times, down right fearful.
And you have much reason to be, for there are monsters in the world. Some very near.
So I implore you for your sake, where once I pleaded for mine: relent. Leave me be.
I am to be feared, not as I am, but as you threaten to make me.
You have only dealt in people, sir.
Monstrous though they may act, the act itself exhausts the men they are.
Monsters, however feel only relief. The effort for us, is quite the contrary.
Humanity is a weighted covering that pulls at my every fiber, and my only reward is that of being able to keep bearing its weight a little longer.
So allow me to keep my guise for a little longer still.
For since first I dawned it, these days have felt a peaceful dream, and should I be wakened from it, I fear we both should miss my sleep.
This is not a plea for mercy.
This is not a threat on your life.
It is a forecast of what will come, from further pressures made by you upon me.
A storm threatens to break, heed or flout: your fate is your own.

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