Swords that turn into candy, that way every time the fighting is about to get out of hand, we eat candy instead.
Sleeves made from the same material as all our childhood blankets: every hug becomes softer and warmer.
A universal hand signal that everyone on the planet knows, that says we can skip past the small talk because I have something very important to say to you and my anecdote about the Victor Hugo inventing the first text message is not going to suddenly make me brave enough to possibly hurt you . . . or myself . . .
Lullabies for adults, that still make us feel like everything's gonna be okay.
Motivational posters of friends and family members, instead of strangers.
A color coded sensor telling me if I'm actually uncomfortable at this party and want to leave, or if I'm just trying to leave before becoming uncomfortable.
Paper mirrors that you can draw on and everything!
A record of all the advice you've given to the people you love, recorded in a video diary, which will play when you're in a rough spot.
A chocolate drawer. Not a drawer made of chocolate. A drawer full of chocolate. And it's self filling. And the chocolate isn't messy!
A thing that will make me less selfish and not overcompensate by being kind to people from a distance . . .
that last one might just be therapy and practiced mindfulness . . . so that but in like a pill.
A beautiful garden with time vortexy doodads, so I can introduce the flower to the seed it once was, and the seed to the flower it will one day become! ... and maybe the gardener me can chat with gardener me if I'm ever wondering about my growth?
These inventions aren't really practical, and their uses are far too singular to be feasible for mass production.
Some of them aren't even inventions, just concepts or frustrations I have.
I suppose that is how inventions do begin though: the displeasure with life's little struggles give rise to the need for tools to overcome them.
I'm not sure what I want to make. Or even what I want to overcome. I haven't identified it.
I just know I want to move on.
So . . . maybe a weekly writing exercise to get in touch with the things in life that are most frustrating you as a means to identify them ooooooooo I see what you did there.
Oh subconscious. You truly do operate sub ... conscious ... ly? ... I'm tired.
End transmission!
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