Monday, 9 December 2019

The not an apology OR Our regularly scheduled programming

So the entire reason I did this, was so I'd have a designated place where I could practice the discipline of "don't break the chain."
3 days ago I broke the chain. A 34 day long chain.
Too bad, so mad, but I had to break it.
Because I have a lifestyles that requires I put all things on hold to focus on 1 thing for a patch of time. Almost always to make money to live on. And if an audition or deadline pop up in the middle of said patch: sorry I missed your birthday :-S
I ran into one such patch, and I needed to recover.
Regrets, I have them: I wanted to keep that chain going strong!
... but now that I've stepped away from it, I also wanted to address something about the chain, or rather this blog.
I can keep a journal.
I have so many of them.
Some for random thoughts, some for notes, some for therapy, some for memory, some for dreams, and some that seem only suited for attracting every kind of liquid stain in my life.
So why an online blog?
Because it has a "Publish" button.
And until that button is pressed, the entry does not exist.
So I shall keep writing, and I'll keep publishing, and hopefully I'll sift through enough brain mud and emerge with useful gems.
Or maybe it'll just remain a place where I am bound by responsibility to my own self to stick to it.
Write one word, then the next, and so on. Until the thought is finished and I reach an end.
This is not my A-material, it is mostly first drafts, and it doesn't always sound like a person is writing it.
And the punctuation! It. Is. A. Nightmare.
Regardless: I took a break. It was needed. Now we get back to our forging.

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