Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Day 99

You woke up in a forest, near a lake. It was fall.
It doesn't matter why you were there, or why you spent the night. This place and this time of year means nothing to you. It doesn't matter why you were there, only that you were.
You were awakened by a single ray of light. It was morning, but an overcast of clouds meant the world was not yet aflame with sunlight. The clouds had thwarted the dawn, save for the gentle wisps of sun that moved sleep from your face.
It's warmth reminded you of the cold night you had just endured, and so you curled closer to the scarce luminescence.
But all to quickly, the pool of light vanished. Swallowed up by the upstart cloud clusters above.
Before you could lament the passing of this brief kindness, another pool of light appeared. This time slightly ahead of you. Little more than one pace away.
You were compelled to stand and approach, but just as you are bathed in warmth, the light vanished again only to reappear before you.
You approach and approach and history repeats itself, but you were not one to be bested by a childish game.
The light seemed to skip ahead of you as you found yourself chasing at a pace your early morning muscles could allow. You chased this playful sun beam all along the lake shore until you found yourself on an inlet. As if in applause for you determination, you were rewarded with a golden beam linking you to the heavens above.
You stood on a brilliant green patch of grass, unaffected by the autumn chill. You looked out on the grey blue waters of this lake you had come to as a child. You traced back the path you'd taken to this spot all the way along the shoreline to where you had spent the cold night waiting for ...
It doesn't matter why you were there that night.
It didn't matter why you were on an inlet looking over a lake from the past.
All that matters is you were there.
And now you're here.

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