Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Day 109

The impossible hiding place:

That last space. It is called the last space because once all other spaces are gone, this will be the last one. We never go there, no living thing does. It is the unifies all things, this space. All things are connected in that all things are separate.
This is true whether counting the countless steps from star to star, or measuring the inconceivable gap between your finger tip and a mouse click. There will always be a space between us. This is an absolute in our reality.
This is the final hiding place.
And something is hiding there: between what is you and what isn't.
Don't be scared. It isn't a predator and it's not stalking you, there are far more convenient places to hide in wait of one's prey.
So why is this poor creature hiding in the last place in all the universe?
Presumably it has hidden everywhere else it could possibly hide, and yet still had to hide itself again. It as hiding and fleeing and jumping between little nooks for all of time, before finding this last resort.
It is understandable to have questions.
Don't get wrapped up in the silly little questions like what could do this, or how. These are distractions from the much more pressing question, whose answer will affect you more than any other in your life.
The more pressing question is why. Why has it hidden itself everywhere in all creation over all of time.
And how long before why places itself between you and everything else?

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