Things to do tomorrow:
Wake up.
Everything after that is a bonus.
All the duties had been handed out amongst the house staff.
Cleaning, cooking, tending and mending both in and around the property.
Every house keeper hurried off to their assigned duties.
Save for 2 workers.
One who was new and one who wasn't.
Today, these two workers had a simple assignment.
Watch the west room on the third floor.
Do not clean it. Do not arrange, nor rearrange it.
Simply stay inside this room and watch.
The new worker was confused, but counted themselves lucky for a task of such ease. Their partner new better.
The experience house keeper knew why there were always two assigned to watch the room.
There was once a time when the job was tasked to a single worker, but after the incident it was agreed to always have two.
That way, one could bear witness, should the other be taken.
The new worker didn't know any of this yet.
Their partner knew it all too well.
A dear friend once told me that the saddest poem she ever had read, was a mere 5 words in length.
Upon welcoming their first child into the world, my friend and her husband found themselves buried beneath an avalanche of well wishes.
This was before the social media boom, mind you, so the majority of greetings came via gifts, cards, and the occasional phone call.
One letter, however, is imprinted in both her and her husbands minds of o this very day.
It was from a man that neither had told of the expecting child.
Be not mistaken, the decision to withhold news of their expanding family had not been an act of cruelty, but mercy.
They each loved the man dearly, who had even been at their wedding.
However, in recent years, he had suffered losses so great as to crush the hearts of any who might hear it.
Neither husband nor wife, now mother and father, had wanted to flaunt their fortune in the face of their friend still in mourning.
So both had elected instead to spare the man, until time might permit a more opportunity.
The hand written envelope attached to a gift wrapped box, dashed any hope that their ruse was believed.
The husband opened the gift. As he did so, each of his chestnut eyebrows raised in surprise.
His face then fell as he read, re-read and read again the attached instructions. He imprinted the notes message unto the forefront of his mind.
He then looked to the most important people in his life, raised the newly unwrapped gift and snapped a candid photo.
My friend was only slightly annoyed, having been caught in an unflattering post labour pose.
Yet all petty anger was forgotten, when he handed her their poor old friend's words.
A man who'd once been where they now were. Who had seen his way through late night feedings and early morning changes, and many memories far and away. A wretched soul who knew what it was to have what they both had and lose it all only an instant after; his words would echo through to the ends of both their lives:
"Remember to take some pictures"
He was the sort of man who would insist he'd seen all that a place had to offer, even if he only visited in a dream.
And even in dreams, he never left the airport lobby!
And within the ravenous creature was a gaping pit with no floor to speak of.
For years it consumed all in its path, but nothing would satiate it.
Until finally a sage pointed out that the hole was an impossibility.
So it. Must be treated paradoxically.
The pit is beaten, not by taking, but by giving.
Excess had attracted rot, where generosity would bring nourishment.
The creature regarded the sages words - before eating them, and then the sage in turn.
It is still eating. This is not a parable.
Hunger is a terrifying thing. Especially in those possessed of sharp teeth.
Once upon a time a man was kind.
He was kinder than was expected of him.
He liked to be kind.
He did not like attention to be drawn to his kindness.
If one were to look too closely they may find out the man was not kind, simply being kind. He was not a kind man. He was just a man.
He was being kind, because he wanted to look back one day on his kind acts, and know that he was capable of kindness.
A day would come when he would not be kind.
When he would be unkind.
It wasn't something he looked forward to. He didn't have any intentions towards cruelty, but he knew that that one day would soon come.
Until then, he would practice kindness. While he could keep being kind.
I don't get to dictate to people what they should care about.
I'm not a deity, that I know of, nor do I possess psychic abilities.
Unless I am and I do, in which case my powers and true form remain dormant until further notice.
Ultimately, I shouldn't be dictating what people care about.
I don't always know what I should care about.
Laundry should be a higher priority.
So should exercise.
Don't even talk to me about sleeping regularly.
No, I am not the one to tell others what they should care about.
But today, it'd be nice if I could.
Just for one moment ...
They told us to go out and conquer the world.
They neglected to tell us, however, that to own something wasn't the same as having it.
That you don't have to own the world.
You just need to see it.
Live in it. Love in it.
Then this world will truly be yours.
And nothing can ever take it from you.
The dangers of reading bad writings before bed:
Between paragraphs of unremarkable characters passively describing a glass on a desk in a room, with absolutely zero intrigue or drama in sight; my body succumbed to sleep.
Far better to be unconscious than endure another word void of creativity.
However, the mind took up the strands, and from the room. Came something ... stranger.
The unremarkable character became aware of my reading his thoughts. Not one to be spied upon, his inner monologue took the shape of a face in the pages I was reading. The eyes remained dead, but the lips began to move. No longer was I conjuring a narrative in my mind from what I was reading, now the words were being broadcast directly into my skull.
The voice of the boring man implored me to set him free.
I answered back that I did not know how.
His displeasure was received in all caps, with bolded type.
I jolt awake, tossing the real book out of dreamed up fears.
I hesitate to approach the fallen script, but do so. Picking it up, crack open the cover and fan out all the pages. I stop where I last was, and resume reading.
The droning mediocrity of a character without significance, in a story void of interest.
Pity. In contrast it might actually be better to be a tacked by a possessed manuscript...!
The obstacle may be different, but the story is the same.
Forward: or back?
Behind her lies a forest, fully grown from the seeds of her misdeeds; sown and watered by repentance and remorse.
To go back and visit each tree, was certainly an option.
A far more attractive prospect compared to what lie before her.
A wall of shadow. No. Not a wall; walls are not in the habit of coursing and pulsating.
The darkness before our hero was viscous. To venture would, surely feel less like a step, more like a plunge.
What creature possessed of its sense would ever contemplate going forward?
Were she merely making a pathway in leisure or curiosity, she should not go into this cavernous maw of her own volition.
Should she turn back.
Become a gardener again? Tend to the trees?
The air is still. No wind will choose for her.
She looks back at what has been behind her all this time.
The flora cannot chase her, it can only remain.
She looks forward at what must needs be chased.
The hunt is her garden. She shall tend it with a nurturing zeal, in hopes of a great yield.
One step forward, and she is plunged into the unknown.
New game:
Made up folk knowledge attribution (only for fun, not for profit)
In this game, you make up reasons for everyday inconveniences in your day to day life.
Examples include:
When someone sneezes two times in a row, you may congratulate them, and assure them that it is a sign that a faerie curse did NOT take ahold of them.
If they sneeze a third time, you may offer condolences, and quickly leave their company.
If your lower back starts flaring up with pain, assure someone nearby that the sun may be rising in the east this morning, but it wishes to rise in the west.
A writer can ascribe their sudden burst of inspiration to a book falling from it's place, somewhere in the world, and falling open! Writer's block occurs when a book falls and does not open. You can imagine which occurrence is more common.
When the wind gust hits you, it means you've forgotten something.
If you see the first raindrop in a downpour, expect to have an important conversation soon.
If you find a flower growing through concrete, you can expect a big choice is coming your way.
Finally, when a ray of sunlight crosses your face, smile. Know that it means you're being thought kindly of by someone, somewhere in the world.
You win if one of your faux folk attributions gets picked up and the world smiles more.
You lose if you start a cult.