Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Day 139

An April fools joke went terribly wrong!
I'd intended to create the illusion of a long lost twin, and in so doing, fell into pit of mirrors.
Not real ones, mind you. A real pit of mirrors would be both impractical and impossible to keep clean.
Reflecting on reflecting on reflecting I found myself in dizzying free fall.
I glimpsed so many versions of myself.
Exercise gurus, professors, pro wrestlers, man-bird hybrids, a politician with so many scandals and addictions I wanted to vomit - then again that may have been the vertigo.
Yet my descent was suddenly stopped by a wizard me from a dimension where everyone is a wizard - but pretends not to be for fear they they're the only ones and would become outcasts if discovered.
Suspended in mid air I was greeted by this sagely version of myself; identical to me save for him having bushier eyebrows and a stockier frame (Yes even the wizard gets more exercise than I do!).
He smiled at me with all the kindness I hope I offer others when prompted, and sent me on my way with a wave and these words:
We have nothing you need; because you have no way to give . . . move on.
Then it was April 2nd, and I felt less the fool.

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