And then one day, you will catch a glimpse of something that was always there, but you never noticed.
Or maybe you noticed, but never understood. And rather than try to understand, you simply forgot.
But one day you will come to know, and then not forget, the truth regarding your life. And the lives of those around you. Your father, mother, dog, shady cousin, and favourite nephew- because let us be honest, you do have a favourite and you don't need to lie when face to face with an epiphany- all of them and you and this world and this universe with its many moving parts; have all been taking part in a grand game
A game of hide and seek.
Don't feel bad for not playing.
And no, you don't have to start playing.
You're not playing. We're not playing, the universe isn't playing.
We are simply dressing. Obstacle. Backdrop. We make the game harder for the ones who are playing.
It started nearly an eternity ago and will likely continue well into infinity.
And the players, as I understand, are having the most fun.
Now. On that one day day you realize this and are no longer able to either ignore or forget, you have a choice.
You can take in this information and choose to see it as an affirmation of your own insignificance - your struggles and triumphs being infinitesimal when compared to the intergalactic time space game played by forever children before, during, and after your lifetime . . .
Find relief in the knowledge that the universe does not need you to participate in every part of its parts
Be empowered to create meaning in a universe with no agenda greater than that of a very involved children's game.
Know that you defy expectations simply by choosing to be more than a boulder to hide behind and you are bigger than eternity by being so.
I suggest the latter.
But that's for one day.
Whenever one day is . . . just try to look surprised when it comes.
Oh and April fools. (They're actually playing tag!)
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